It got me thinking about life's little pleasures - and of course I was thinking about that when taking a hot shower, another one of life's pleasures on cold gray days! I think most of the little pleasures we have are sensory. So I decided to make a list of all the simple things that can give us such immediate happiness:
- Jumping into a cold pool on a ridiculously hot day, then getting out and sitting in the sun. The warmth feels so amazing on wet skin.
- Having a shower and getting into warm dry clothes after said dip in the pool.
- Hot showers on cold days
- Rugging up in comfy pyjamas and sitting on the couch with a blanket, a pet or significant other to cuddle up to, a cup of tea and a good book or movie.
- Being able to get up leisurely in the morning, casually wander to the kitchen and turn on the kettle to make a cup of tea
- The sizzle of bacon in the frying pan and the smell permeating the kitchen
- Savouring chocolate as it melts in your mouth, preferably accompanied by a cup of well brewed loose leaf tea
- The smell of Italian cooking...and the taste! Basil, garlic...
- This probably doesn't count quite in the same category but I just thought of it. Don't you just love that last day of school/work/obligation before breaking for Christmas? In Australia it's guaranteed to always be hot and humid, your clothes sticking to you as you pack away things for the holiday period and do end of year cleaning up, the fans not doing that much to cool you down. No one does any real work, and there's the delicious anticipation of holidays and presents and Christmas lunch and family and friend get-togethers. For me, last year I was working at after school care on this particular day. It was indeed insanely hot, and we all sheltered in the air conditioned class room watching "Home Alone" and doing Christmas craft (that deserves its own special mention in itself!) I think I enjoyed colouring in Christmas cards more than the kids themselves. I guess the pleasure about this sort of day is the whole atmosphere and anticipation in the air. Can you tell I love Christmas? Which brings me to...
- Wandering around the streets looking at Christmas lights, when a cool breeze is finally giving you a break from the heat of the day. Seeing the colourful lights twinkling on trees and imbibing everywhere with a sense of magic. Reading the Christmas stories you read as a kid. Hearing catches of Christmas carols and songs in shops and perhaps even houses as you pass by. The fun of wrapping up presents and watching them pile up under the Christmas tree. Christmas cookies, chocolate coated nuts, tins of shortbread... And the piece de resistance, Christmas lunch! Oh, baked chicken, pumpkin, potatoes, apple sauce, green beans...and since it's Australia there's always salads and prawns as well in homage to the hot weather. Of course I don't eat the prawns but I don't mind them being there because they add to the Aussie Christmas vibe.
Okay, now I've ranted far too long about everything I love about Christmas. Can you tell it's that time of year? And I start to act like I'm 5 years old again?
There could be so many more to add to the list I've made so far. I think it would be great to have a whole list to read whenever you're feeling a bit mopey. I've noticed that life's little pleasures are all an immediate gratification. They aren't the type of pleasure you get from, say, working at something for a while and finally seeing the reward. But those small things are a huge part of day to day happiness and quite simply a joy for just living in the moment.